Dr. Melanie Paci

you are invited


To be right where you are

To commit to new possibilities

To cultivate hope

To access choice

To try on a different perspective

To deepen and heal your most significant relationships

To live your values

And to…


create resilience


Discover a new way to be with your emotions, in both the trials and the triumphs.


Find curiosity and warmth in a therapy relationship that can be your catalyst for change.

 Respect your process.


my approach

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honoring strengths

Let’s acknowledge and build on your strengths and the steps you have already taken to create lasting change.


We will work to identify and clarify what values matter most to you, which we will use to motivate and guide therapy and healing.

healthy risk-taking

We will examine and deepen your understanding of your own history, approaching the “difficult stuff” with care and compassion, and being open to experimenting with new ways of being in the world.



Effective therapy adapts evidence-based approaches to your unique style of relating.


Fostering an atmosphere in which people of all identities feel accepted and comfortable sharing their lived experience, I welcome the opportunity to connect to your story from a real place within myself.


Embracing spontaneity, we will consider experiential creative-based processes, including metaphor, meditation, humor, reading, writing, drawing, and music.


I often check in to ensure that you are feeling supported in therapy and to discuss the ways in which therapy may or may not be working for you, so you and I can refine the therapeutic approach, together.


Emotional suffering and the shame that often comes with it become more tolerable when shared with someone who responds with kindness, caring, and empathy. Compassion is central to my work, and together we can help you be kinder to yourself and the important people in your life.




trauma therapy

couples therapy


“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in”

— Leonard Cohen


individual therapy